Vulnhub virtual machine; OSCP prep box, classic boot the root box which enumeration leads to a blog page that is suseptiable to pretty serious vulnerability that leads to the foothold of the box. Priv-esc was trickery as in the end the simplest solutions are the hardest to figure out - added secondary priv-esc.
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Vulnhub Link:,34/ File: pWnOS_v2.0.7z (Size: 286 MB) - Filetype: .vmdk (virtual hard drive)
Setup Note: make sure you put VM network.
Discover VM on network && ping for connectivity:
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Target: - and we have successful connectivity
Nmap Scan:
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We are looking at an SSH server and an HTTP server.
Options: -We can try to kick in the front door of the SSH - unlikely -Navigate to web-server and investigate a way in.
Navigate to web-server:
potential login and register page and discovered a possible user [email protected]
Login page:
attempt SQLi with email and ' or 3=3 --
No-go for injection.
Register New User: Creating a user: [email protected] / password
Looks like we have to activate the user account.
navigating to:
activated now lets attempt to login and look for a way into the box.
seems to hang at this point…
confirmed we did not hang and we are just on an very non-interesting page.
Dirbuster - we need to find some new directories.
well we found a /blog
Navigate to /blog
web-application identified as Simple PHP Blog 0.4.0
Searching for vulnerabilites
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both exploits jump off the page. Download locally with -m
checking out the
syntax we should attempt which should return the password file (hash):
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it successfully gave us the password hash. Lets see what else this exploit can do.
upload cmd.php
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we have a successful cmd.php installed on web-server.
Quick test:
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we get a response of www-data
- Execllent.
Reverse the shell:
Setup listener with Metasploit.
tell web-server to get my reverse shell .php file.
successful download. Now lets connect to the server.
Connection established.
Upgrade shell
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now let’s move to priv-escalate.
First we need to enumerate a bit of the box with some scripts.
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wget files to box
uploaded successfully to /dev/shm
Change chmod to 700
load scripts.
Scripts discovered a few priv-esc exploits
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Investigate the WWW
Discovered a mysqli_connect.php
which contains database creditials
Navigate /var
an noticed another mysqli_connect.php
Connecto to mysql server:
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check for passwords:
found hashes to decrypt
Secondary Priv-Esc/Root
I wanted to attempt to try the “udav” and MySQL privilage escalations and while going doing the udav road I was unsuccessful escalating. When it came to the MySQL escalate I ran into a some slight issues compiling but was able to create the file locally and then send to box. Below you will see my solution via MySQL.
Exploit: - MySQL 4.x/5.0 User-Defined Function Local Privilege Escalation Exploit || || Language=c
I downloaded locally and began inspecting the source:
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while attempting to compile the it would not compile on the box as so I compiled it locally and sent to box.
error recieved:
after compiled locally and sent:
login to MySQL server with prior credentials
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recieved an error that the
did not exist in the /usr/lib/
so at this point I manually pushed the file to the directory.
under mysql table:
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we have succefully aded www-data to the /etc/sudoer
file which we can just sudo bash
to achieve a root shell.
The likelyhood of passwords being reused is always an options - attempt ssh to root
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with the two variant of passwords is always worth a shot
Bring me the root!